Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Addenda to Bibliography: Update

On pg. 10 replace Meier-Brügger 2003 with Meier-Brügger 2010, which is the 9th revised and expanded edition of Indogermanische Sprachwisenschaft. The bibliography is outstanding and from it I learn that Gerhard Meiser's Historische Laut- und Formenlehre der lateinischen Sprache had a 2nd edition in 2006 (apparently unchanged) and is now available in a 3rd edition (2010).

Meier-Brügger, Michael. 2010. Indogermanische Sprachwissenschaft. 9th ed. Berlin: De Gruyter.

Update:  Professor Meiser informs me that the 3rd edition is in fact a reprint.

Friday, January 14, 2011


Will Sullivan alerts me to the following mistakes:

On pg. 24 fn. 8 change "Herman 1997:114" to "Herman 2000:114".

On pg. 228 the quantities are wrong: the words pilus 'a hair' and pila 'ball' have short vowels as correctly given for pila on pg. 64 (oh the shame!!).

On pg. 110 change the gloss of nostrās from 'our countrymen' to 'born in our country'.

Thank you, Will.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Date of final -os to -us

On pg. 140 I write "An o in a final syllable before final -d, -s, -m, or -nt became u already by the middle of the third century BCE" following the traditional dating of this change, but Kanehiro Nishimura in his 2008 UCLA Ph.D. dissertation, Vowel Reduction and Deletion in Italic: The Effects of Stress, calls attention to the form L[ECIO]NIBVS (ILLRP 7) in the Caso Cantovius inscription from near the Fucine Lake which dates to the end of the 4th century.  This suggest that the date of the change of o to u at least before -s has to be pushed back at least 50 years or so. Similarly on pg. 192 in the list of the absolute chronology of sound changes change 
"10. -oC > -uC (3rd century BCE)" to "10. -oC > -uC (ca. 300 BCE)."